Examination, diagnosis and treatment plan 40
Small x-ray 15
Large x-ray (OPG) 80
Hygiene visit 90
Scale & Polish with Dentist 80 (15 with PRSI contributions)
Protracted Periodontal Treatment 70 per visit
Composite filling 100-140
Amalgam fillings 100-130
Partial Acrylic Denture 500
Partial Upper and Lower Acrylic Denture 900
Full Upper Or Lower Denture 530
Full Upper & Lower Denture 950
Denture Repairs 120
Denture Soft Lining 150
Denture Reline 150
Cobalt-Chrome Denture 1000
Root Canal Treatment - Incisor 700 plus 100 filling
Root Canal Treatment — Canine 700 plus 100 filling
Root Canal Treatment - Premolar 700 plus 100 filling
Root Canal Treatment - Molar 800 plus 100 filling
Routine Extraction 100-130
Surgical Extraction 180
Surgical Wisdom Tooth Extraction 400 (170 balance with VHI or Laya)
Crown 900, Veneer 900, Cast Post and Core 100
Full Gold Crown 1000 (dependent o the cost of gold)
Intravenous Sedation 220
Take Home Bleaching Kit with Customised Bleach Trays 350
In/Out Single Tooth Bleaching (Including Filling) 400
Dual Splint Nightguard 150
Hard Nightguard 250
Essix Retainer 140/retainer
Apicectomy 600